
Before issuing any requests against a Direct+ endpoint, you must obtain an Access Token. Once an Access Token is obtained, the same token should be used for all subsequent requests for the next 24 hours, after which, a new token should be generated. If you have not already received a consumer key and secret, contact your Dun & Bradstreet representative. Once you have the consumer key and secret you can begin using the API.

IMPORTANT: Your consumer key, consumer secret, and token should be considered as sensitive as a password, and must be used only by authorized parties as stated in the D&B Direct+ API agreement.

Understanding the D&B Direct+ API Authentication Flow

D&B Direct+ API calls utilize access tokens, generated from a consumer key/secret combination, for authentication (based on the Client Credentials Grant flow of the OAuth 2 specification). Here is a sample of a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

Note: These are not valid credentials.

Authentication Through Postman

  1. Open the provided postman collection and go to Access Token V3.
  2. In the Authorization tab, in the Username field, paste your consumer key.
  3. In the Password field, paste your consumer secret.
  4. To see the request code, press the Code link; it should look similar to the following:

    	POST /v3/token HTTP/1.1
    	Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    	Authorization: Basic yourEncodedKey
    	Cache-Control: no-cache
  5. Press Send. In the response, the value in place of "yourAccessToken", excluding the quotes, is the token you need to perform further calls.

    	{"access_token":"yourAccessToken","expires_in":86400, "token_type": "Bearer"}

Authentication Through an Application

  1. Base64 encode the key and secret, in the format key:secret
    For example, the sample values would yield the following encoded credential value:- UXQ2WUdZcFh2R2Z4V0FsUkhoNVdNNDZNc2I3NldLTnc6Y25oOFRDOVNlemxkM2M4NA==

    Base64 generator

    Paste your D&B Direct+ Consumer Key and Secret in the format key:secret provided to you when you registered for access to the Direct+ API into the text box field and click on 'Generate' button.

  2. Exchange credentials for a token. An application makes a request to the POST endpoint to exchange these credentials for a bearer token.

Error Codes

Below are the list of Error and Information Codes supported for Authentication v3 API

HTTP Code error Description
400 invalid_request A required parameter is missing or a parameter value is missing/invalid value. Potential issues:
- Request missing required Header parameter: 'Authorization'. ErrorCode: 05007.
- Request missing required element: 'grant_type'. ErrorCode: 05007.
- 'Authorization' Header parameter contains Invalid value. ErrorCode: 10002.
- Invalid HTTP method for the request. ErrorCode: 00009.
- Additional parameters found in the request. ErrorCode: 10002.
- Request missing required Header parameter: 'Content-Type'. ErrorCode: 05007.
- Invalid Content-Type for the request. ErrorCode: 00009.
400 invalid_grant Request grant_type is incorrect. Potential issues:
- Request grant_type is incorrect. The grant_type must be "client_credentials". ErrorCode: 00006.
- Repeated grant type is found in the request". ErrorCode: 10002.
401 invalid_client The supplied credentials are not valid or contract issue. Potential issues:
- The supplied credentials are not valid; please verify and try again. ErrorCode: 00041.
- The contract for this subscriber has either not started or has expired. Please contact Dun & Bradstreet customer support. ErrorCode: 00005.
Note : HTTP Header will be populated with WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Access to the Direct+ API", charset="UTF-8"
404 invalid_request Potential issues:
- Requested resource not found. Please retry with a correct URL. ErrorCode: 00038.
429 access_denied Potential issues:
- Customer transactions per second limit has been reached. Requests should be submitted at a slower pace. ErrorCode: 00046.
500 server_error Potential issues:
- Internal server error. Resubmit request. ErrorCode: 00035.

Password Management

It is the customer's responsibility to treat their credentials as confidential and ensure that access is limited to personnel who develop the applications that will integrate D&B data. Password expiration, forced change and/or lockout rules are not implemented as part of this API.

Customers who would like to change the password associated with a specific API username should contact D&B Customer Support. Note, changes to passwords will go into effect immediately. An industry standard hashing algorithm is used for encryption and storage of passwords.

Token Management

Generally, once an Authentication Token is obtained, the same token should be used for all subsequent requests for the next 24 hours, after which, a new token should be generated using the Authentication Service. Various scenarios may invalidate a generated token before the 24 hour period, such as, release updates, disaster recovery, or contract expiration. Please use the following information for taking further action based on response codes returned from services.

HTTP Status Code errorCode errorMessage Advised Action
401 00040 Access token expired Generate a new token once using the Authentication Service. If the same error occurs while generating a new token, please contact D&B Customer Support.
401 00041 Invalid credentials Generate a new token once using the Authentication Service. If the same error occurs while generating a new token, please contact D&B Customer Support.
401 00004 You are not currently authorised to access this product. Please contact your D&B account representative Generate a new token once using the Authentication Service. If the same error occurs while generating a new token, please contact D&B Customer Support.
401 00005 This request was issued outside the contract start/end date Contact D&B Customer Support
401 00012 Contract data not found Contact D&B Customer Support
401 00014 There is an issue with the subscriber record. Please contact Dun & Bradstreet customer support. Contact D&B Customer Support
429 00045 Too Many Requests Subsequent requests are blocked when exceeding the set limit and time frame defined per customer contract. Please wait a moment and try again using the same token.
429 00046 Too Many Requests Subsequent requests are blocked when exceeding the set limit and time frame defined per customer contract. Please wait a moment and try again using the same token.
429 00047 Too Many Requests Subsequent requests are blocked when exceeding the set limit and time frame defined per customer contract. Please wait a moment and try again using the same token.
429 00050 You have reached your allocated transaction quota. Subsequent requests are blocked when exceeding the set limit and time frame defined per customer contract. Please wait a moment and try again using the same token.